- Click the ‘Code’ or ‘Split’ buttons to see the HTML code create thus far.
- Click after the header div tag ends (so that the next div tag is inserted after the header div).
- Insert > Layout objects > Div tag
- Enter ‘menu’ against ID
- Click the ‘New CSS Rule’ button
- Make sure that the style rule will be defined in ”style.css’
- Click the OK button
- Enter the following properties:
- Click the ‘OK’ button to save the CSS Rule definition for #menu in style.css
- Click the ‘OK’ button to save the ‘menu’ Div tag
- The web page and code will look like this. The menu div is created and styled. The text “Content for id “menu” Goes Here” is automatically inserted by Dreamweaver (though you may not be able to see it because of the black background of the menu area). Select and delete this text.
Click after the menu close tag in the Code view
Now let us create the content area:
- Insert > Layout objects > Div tag
- Enter ‘content’ against ID
- Click the ‘New CSS Rule’ button
- Make sure that the style rule will be defined in ”style.css’
- Click the OK button
- Enter the following properties:
- Click the OK button to store the style and then click the OK button to store the div tag.
- Save the template and the associated CSS [File > Save all Related Files].
Finally let us create the footer area:
- Insert > Layout objects > Div tag
- Enter ‘footer’ against ID
- Click the ‘New CSS Rule’ button
- Make sure that the style rule will be defined in ”style.css’
- Click the OK button
- Enter the following properties:
- Background > Background color: #000
- Box > Width: 100% , Height: 30 px
- Click OK and OK
- Select and delete the text “Content for id “footer” Goes Here”
- Save all related files