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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Kubuntu 9.10 Desktop Screenshot

Kubuntu 9.04 Desktop Screenshot
Distribution Home Page:
Minimum Flash Drive Capacity: 1GB
Persistent Feature: Yes
Kubuntu 8.10 Live USB Flash Drive Creation Essentials
  • Kubuntu 9.10 Live CD
  • Working CD/DVD Drive
  • 1GB USB Flash Drive (Use a 2GB or larger)

Creating a Kubuntu 9.10 Flash Drive via CD

  1. Download the Kubuntu 9.10 torrent and proceed to download the ISO using your favorite torrent client, then burn the ISO to a CD
  2. Restart your computer, booting from the Kubuntu Live CD
  3. Once your up and running, insert a 1GB or larger USB flash drive
  4. (1) Click the KDE Start button, (2) From the Search box, begin typing usb-creator, (3) Select the USB startup Disk Creator option that appears Launching Kubuntu 9.10 USB Startup Disk Creator
  5. (1) Select the Disk to use, (2) Click the option Stored in reserved extra space and adjust the slider to set capacity to use, (3) Click the Make Startup Disk button: Proceed to Make a Kubuntu 9.10 Live USB
  6. A progress bar will appear indicating the percentage completed Kubuntu 9.10 USB Flash Drive progress Bar
  7. When the install is finished, remove the CD, restart your computer and set your BIOS to boot from the USB device
You should now be booting from your  Kubuntu 9.10 Live USB Flash Drive and Kubuntu should automatically save the changes you make and restore them on subsequent boots.

Xubuntu 9.10 Desktop Screenshot

Xubuntu 9.10 Desktop Screenshot
Xubuntu is a product of Canonical Ltd
Distribution Home Page:
Minimum Flash Drive Capacity: 1GB
Persistent Feature: Yes

Requirements to Create a Xubuntu 9.10 Live USB

  • Xubuntu 9.10 CD
  • Working CD/DVD Drive
  • Working internet connection
  • 1GB USB Flash Drive (Use a 2GB or larger)

Creating a Xubuntu 9.10 USB Flash Drive:

  1. Download the Xubuntu 9.10 torrent, then proceed to download the ISO using your favorite torrent client and finally, burn the ISO to a CD
  2. Restart your computer, booting from the Live CD
  3. Insert a 1GB or larger USB flash drive
  4. Navigate to Applications > System > USB Startup Disk Creator Xubuntu 9.10 USB Startup Disk Creator
  5. From the Window that appears, (1) Select the Disk to use, (2) Select the option Stored in reserved extra space and adjust the slider to set capacity to use, (3) Click Make Startup Disk: Xubuntu 9.10 USB Startup Disk Creator
  6. A Progress bar will indicate the progress of the Live USB installation:Installing Xubuntu 9.0.4 to USB - Progress
  7. Once the installation is complete, remove the CD, restart your computer and set your boot menu or BIOS to boot from your USB device.
You should now be able to boot and run Xubuntu9.10 from your USB flash drive, persistently saving changes to the casper-rw loopback file.

Linux Mint 7 Desktop Screenshot

Linux Mint 7 Desktop Screenshot
Distribution Home Page:
Minimum Flash Drive Capacity: 1GB
Persistent Feature: Yes

Essentials for creating a Linux Mint 7 Flash Drive

  • LinuxMint-7 CD
  • Working CD/DVD Drive
  • Working internet connection
  • 1GB USB flash drive (2GB+ recommended)

Make a Linux Mint 7 Flash Drive using USB Creator

  1. Download the LinuxMint-7 torrent and proceed to download the ISO with a torrent client. Finally, burn the ISO to a CD
  2. Restart your computer, booting from the LinuxMint 7 CD
  3. Once your up and running, insert your USB flash drive
  4. Open a Terminal and type or copy and paste the following commands:
    • sudo su
    • apt-get install usb-creator
    • usb-creator
  5. (1) Select the USB disk to use, (2) Select the option Stored in reserved extra space and adjust the slider to set how much space to use for persistence, (3) Click Make Startup Disk: Make a Mint7 USB Disk
  6. A progress bar will appear indicating the percentage completed
  7. Download this custom Linux Mint 7 syslinux.cfg file and copy it to the syslinux directory on your flash drive (overwriting the original)
  8. Remove the CD, restart your computer and set your BIOS to boot from the USB device

Simply MEPIS 8 Desktop Screenshot

MEPIS 8.0.10 Desktop Screenshot
Distribution Home Page:
Minimum Flash Drive Capacity: 1GB
Persistent Feature: No – (Will Revisit)
Essentials to create a MEPIS 8 Live USB Key:
  • A MEPIS 8 Linux CD
  • A 1GB or Larger USB Key
  • PC that can boot from USB + CD
How to Create a MEPIS USB Key from the Live CD
  1. Download SimpleMEPIS 8 ISO and burn it to a CD
  2. Restart your computer, booting from the MEPIS CD
  3. Once booted up, insert a 1GB or larger USB Key
  4. Click KMenu > System > MEPIS Settings > MEPIS System Assistant Start the MEPIS System Assistant
  5. When prompted, enter the root password and Click OKEnter root password and click OK
  6. Click the MEPIS USB Key Tab from the MEPIS System Window
  7. (1) Select your USB Key (2) Tick Format key box (3)Tick Create bootable MEPIS USB key box (4) Click ApplyUsing the MEPIS USB Key program
  8. A progress bar that will loop several times before completion. Once the MEPIS USB Flash Drive creation process has finished, you should have a bootable MEPIS 8 Flash Drive.

Linux Mint 8 Desktop Screenshot

Distribution Home Page:
Minimum Flash Drive Capacity: 1GB
Persistent Feature: Yes

Prereqs for making a Linux Mint 8 Flash Drive

  • LinuxMint-8 CD
  • Working CD/DVD Drive
  • Working internet connection
  • 1GB USB flash drive (2GB+ recommended)

Create a Linux Mint 8 Flash Drive using USB Creator

  1. Download the LinuxMint-8 torrent and proceed to download the ISO with a torrent client. Finally, burn the ISO to a CD
  2. Restart your computer, booting from the LinuxMint 8 CD
  3. Once your up and running, insert your USB flash drive
  4. Open a Terminal and type or copy and paste the following commands:
    • sudo apt-get install usb-creator
    • sudo usb-creator-gtk
  5. (1) Select the Disk to use, (2) Select the option Stored in reserved extra space and adjust the slider to set how much space to use for persistence, (3) Click Make Startup Disk: Make a Mint8 USB Flash Drive using USB Startup Disk Creator
  6. A progress bar will appear indicating the percentage completed
  7. Remove the CD, restart your computer and set your BIOS to boot from the USB device and reboot again
If all goes well, you should now be booting Linux Mint 8 from your USB device.

Setting IP di Linux

ehm… setelah mikir mo corat-coret apaan, akhirnya judul ini aja yang tak jadikan coretan pertama di kategori networking…
Dari beberapa setting yang pernah tak lakukan, untuk setting ip di linux cukup sederhana.
Ada 2 cara :
1. Langsung ketikan perintah berikut
# ifconfig <interface> <ipaddress> netmask <netmask>
misal :
# ifconfig eth0 netmask
Tapi cara ini tidak disarankan, karena perintah diatas tidak merubah script network, sehingga ketika mesin di restart maka, konfigurasi diatas hilang.
Hal ini bisa diatasi dengan menuliskan perintah diatas kedalam startup linux yaitu di /etc/rc.local
misal :
# cat ifconfig eth0 netmask >> /etc/rc.local
2. Cara yang kedua ini lebih disarankan, karena kita langsung mengedit file konfigurasi network nya yaitu di /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
misal :
# nano /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
maka akan mucul konfigurasi berikut
DEVICE=eth0 //interface
ONBOOT=yes //dibaca waktu booting
BOOTPROTO=static //tipe protokol (static/dhcp)
IPADDR= //alamat ip
NETMASK= //netmask
GATEWAY= //gateway jika perlu
Keluar dan simpan dari editor nano dengan perintah Ctrl+X
Lalu restart service networknya
# service network restart
Cek ip dengan perintah ifconfig
Nah…. begitulah ceritanya..
catatan konfigurasi diatas menggunakan Fedora Core 6 dengan editor nano
Klo masih ada kurangnnya mohon dikoreksi…. :)

Trouble Install Ubuntu 6.10 Edgy Eft pada Laptop TravelMate 380

Malam ini ada temen penasaran ama linux. Dia minta dinstallkan ubuntu edgy eft 6.10 di Laptop ( travelmate 380 ), laptop tersebut menggunakan external cdrom ( usb cdrom ) karena memang dari "sono" nya ngga ada cdromnya.
Proses booting berjalan lancar, sampai pada mounting cdrom tiba2 ubuntu tidak bisa memounting cdrom yang tersambung lewat USB. Dengan seditik improve akhirnya bisa melanjutkan proses dengan langkah2 sbb:
[!] Detect and Mount CD-ROM
No Common CD-ROM drive was detected
You May need to load addition CD-ROM ….
Load CD-ROM drivers from a driver floppy
[ yes ] [ no ] X <== Option Pilihan
[!] Detect and Mount CD-ROM
No Common CD-ROM drive was detected
Your CD-ROM drive may be an old Mitsumi or another non-IDE, non-SCSI CD-ROM drive. In that case ……………..
Manually select a CD-ROM module and device ?
[ yes ] X <== Pemilihan Option
[ no ]
[!] Detect and Mount CD-ROM
The automatic detection didn’t find a CD-ROM drive ……………….
Module needed for accessing the CD-ROM :
None –
Aztcd ---
Cdrom ---- X <== Pemilihan
Cdu31a ---
Cm206 ----
[!] Detect and Mount CD-ROM
In order to access your CD-ROIM drive, please enter the device file that should be used. Non-Standard CD-ROM …………………….
Device file for accessing the CD-ROM :
/dev/scd0 <=== input
upss :
ini bukan tutorial .. just share what i got ...
Happy Flight Capten !!!

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