
Thursday, April 14, 2011

SBar: Windows 7 Taskbar Clone for Windows XP and Vista

As we all know Windows 7 comes with new Superbar which is a redesigned form of the old Taskbar. The main features of this new Superbar are as follows:
  • A little increased height for better view and usablity
  • Iconized Taskbar buttons to save space
  • Live Taskbar thumbnails for easier navigation
There are many other small features in the new Superbar which make it far better than the old Taskbar.
Now if you are not using Windows 7 but like the Superbar look, you can get it in your Windows XP or Vista.
"SBar" is a Taskbar replacement for Windows XP and Vista which brings the same Superbar functionality. Thanks to "DimitarCC" for creating this nice application.
As you can see in the above screenshot which was taken from Windows XP but looks almost same as Windows 7.
If you want to give it a try, you can download it using following link:
Download SBar


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