
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Windows 7 Classic Theme Bug

Here is a bug found in Windows 7. This bug is present in Windows Vista as well. This bug is related to "Windows Classic" theme. To re-create the bug, first change the Windows theme to Classic from Desktop Properties and then follow these steps:
1. Open My Computer and then open any drive. It'll activate the "Left Arrow" button as well as the drop-down Arrow which is called "Recent Pages".

2. Look carefully at the screenshot. The buttons and their background image both are misplaced. Either the background image should be moved to right by a few pixels or the buttons should be moved to left by a few pixels to fix their positions.
3. Anyway its not a big deal. Now hover your mouse cursor over the drop-down arrow and you'll see following:

The background image and the drop-down Arrow both are moved again to the left by a few pixels upon hovering the cursor over the arrow. Which makes the situation worst.
4. Now click on the drop-down arrow and amazing, the whole background image will disappear:

That's really a big UI bug which needs to be fixed in RTM version.
Also check:


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